Applied research and training in the field of Aviation Management

Tourism/Travel Management


The aviation sector is one of the most dynamic branches of the economy. At present, all the forecasts point to a continuation of the upward trend enjoyed by global air transport so far. This goes hand in hand with radical changes to transport policies for civil aviation and an increasing awareness of environmental issues, as well as the fact that airlines and airports are trying out new strategies to keep competitive.

The Competence Center Aviation Management (CCAM) is an academic institute belonging to the Tourism/Travel Management department which conducts applied research and provides educational services in the field of aviation management. The services on offer range from undertaking research projects on air freight and passenger transport to providing practice-oriented training and further education via conferences and seminars. To this end, the CCAM works in close collaboration with aviation companies, such as airlines and airports, sharing its interdisciplinary know-how and methodological expertise with both national and international institutions involved in aviation management, as well as with private organisations. In doing so, the CCAM pools expertise held by a distinguished team of professors thanks to their wealth of experience in working as experts, on projects and in management.

  • Further Insights (mainly German)

  • Archive Further Insights

  • What does the CCAM do?

    • undertakes research and consultation projects in the field of aviation management,
    • offers a range of training and further education opportunities for the aviation industry (e.g. the cooperative Bachelor’s programme in Aviation Management),
    • creates a network in Rhineland-Palatinate, as well as in the metropolitan regions of Rhine-Neckar and Rhine-Main,
    • organises series of lectures and events on topics related to aviation,
    • documents research on key subjects in a series of publications,
    • provides further education to students by offering internships and assistant jobs,
    • helps to produce Bachelor’s and Master’s theses in cooperation with companies, associations and authorities in the aviation industry,
    • creates opportunities for cooperative doctoral study.
  • By-laws

    You can download the by-laws of the Competence Center Aviation Management (CCAM) here.


  • The Board

    Prof. Dr. Karsten Benz
    Aviation Management, Air Traffic Management, Sustainable Mobility, Start-up Creation and Scaling

    Prof. Dr. Roland Conrady
    Aviation, Tourism, Marketing and Electronic Business

    Prof. Dr. Tobias Ehlen
    Civil and Commercial Law, Travel Law, Employment Law

    Prof. Dr. Frank Fichert
    Aviation, Transport Policy, Transport and the Environment

    Prof. Dr. Tobias Grosche
    Aviation, Flight Scheduling and Network Planning, Business Intelligence

    Prof. Dr. Erik Hemmer
    Aviation, Air Cargo Management, Digitalization and Innovation

    Prof. Dr. Christoph Klingenberg
    Airline and Airport Management, Rail Management
    Prof. Dr. Richard Klophaus
    Aviation, Network Management, Pricing & Revenue Management, Airport Management

    Prof. Dr. Hans Rück
    Brand Management and Customer Retention, Tourism Marketing, Event Marketing

    Prof. Dr. Andreas Thams
    Revenue Management, Network Management, Yield Tour Operating

    Prof. Dr. Matthias Viehmann
    Pricing & Revenue Management, Distribution, Commercial Strategy, Data Analytics

    Prof. Dr. Juliane Wutzler
    Controlling, Accounting, Finance, Digitalization of the Finance Function, Capital Markets

    Mrs Mareike Körner

  • Publications


    Grosche, Tobias / Klophaus, Richard (2024): Codesharing and airline partnerships within, between and outside global alliances, in: Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 117, 102591.

    Klingenberg, Christoph / Belke, Jan Loic (2024): Profitability of supersonic travel, in: Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 117, doi:

    Klingenberg, Christoph / Hujer, Jens (2024). Breaking economies of scale: commercial and operational viability of all-electric aircraft as regional hub feeder, in: Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 80, 20-29.

    Klophaus, Richard (2024): Key issues in air transport management research: A bibliometric analysis for the classification of own contributions, in: Transportation Research Procedia, Vol. 80, 64-70.

    Wutzler, Juliane (2024): Outsmarting Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: Incorporating Large Language Model-Based Chatbots into Teaching, in: Issues in Accounting Education. Forthcoming, S. 1 - 24.

    Wutzler, Juliane / Sextroh, Christoph J. (2024): Speaking with one voice? Individual preferences and managers’ personal communication style, in: Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. Forthcoming, S. 1-43.

    Wutzler, Juliane / Münch, Mathias / Esswein, Markus / Mayer, Jörg H. / Akelbein, Torsten (2024): Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Gefahr: Ein Umfeld für mehr Innovationskraft und eine neue Leistungsbereitschaft schaffen - Ergebnisse aus einer Drei-Generationen-Sicht, in: Rethinking Finance, 2.2024, S. 42-48.


    Fichert, Frank / Künnen, Jan-Rasmus / Strauss, Arne K. / Ivanov, Nikola / Jovanović, Radosav / Starita, Stefano (2023): Cross-Border Capacity Planning in Air Traffic Management Under Uncertainty, in: Transportation Science, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 999-1018. doi: 10.1287/trsc.2023.1210.

    Fichert, Frank / Künnen, Jan-Rasmus / Strauss, Arne K. / Ivanov, Nikola / Jovanović, Radosav (2023): Leveraging demand-capacity balancing to reduce air traffic emissions and improve overall network performance, in: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 174. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2023.103716.

    Fichert, Frank (2023): Airport Regulation and Benchmarking: Case Study Germany, in: Forsyth, Peter, et al. (Hrsg.), Economic Regulation of Urban and Regional Airport, Cham, S. 371-382.

    Fichert, Frank (2023): Air navigation service provider charges, in: Efthymiou, Marina (Hrsg.): Air Traffic Management - Principles, Performance, Markets, London und New York: Routledge, S. 151-167.

    Klingenberg, Christoph / Dini, Lucia / Schulke, Arne (2023): Digital transformation: An analysis of the current state within Europe´s top five digital airports, in: Journal of Airport Management, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 429-442.

    Klophaus, Richard (2023): Short-haul airline services in Europe and North America - A cross-business model and cross-continental analysis (co-author Chunyan Yu), in: Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 109, 102400.

    Wutzler, Juliane (2023): Automatisierung für alle? Wie Change Management bei der Skalierung von Automatisierungstechnologien im Finanzbereich helfen kann, REthinking: Finance, 1.2023.

    Wutzler, Juliane / Mayer, Jörg / Lanzerath, Marc / Quick, Reiner / Peruscha, Marcus (2023): "Unlock the Value of Your Data - Six Design Guidelines for Implementing Data Strategies Effectively“,  - Technologies for digital transformation: moving towards the future of organisations; Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Springer.


    Klophaus, Richard (2022): Monetary mapping of the climate footprint of air travel to a single airport (co-author Gregor Julius Lauth), in: Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 101, 102204.


    Fichert, Frank (2021): Aviation subsidies in Europe and regional development, in: Graham, Anne, et al. (Hrsg.): Air Transport and Regional Development Policies, New York: Routledge, S. 123-137.

    Fichert, Frank / Gössling, Stefan / Humpe, Andreas / Creutzig, Felix (2021): COVID-19 and pathways to low-carbon air transport until 2050, in: Environmental Research Letters, Volume 16, Number 3. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abe90b*

    Klophaus, Richard (2021): Mesh Network as a Competitive Advantage for European LCCs: An Alternative Topology to Hub-and-Spoke for Selling Online Connections (co-authort Rico Merkert und Oriol Lordan), in: Transport Policy, 95. Jg., S.196-204.

    Klophaus, Richard (2021): Klimakosten eines Flughafens, in: Internationales Verkehrswesen, 73. Jg., S. 46-49.

    Thams, Andreas / Cramer, Curt (2021): Airline Revenue Management, 1. Auflage. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

    Rück, Hans (2021 a): Pharma-Kodex. In: Dinkel, Michael/Luppold, Stefan/Schröer, Carsten (Hg.): Handbuch Messe-, Kongress- und Eventmanagement, 2., aktual. u. erw. Aufl., Duncker&Humblot: Berlin 2021, S. 299–308.

    Rück, Hans (2021 b): Veranstaltungscontrolling. In: Dinkel, Michael/Luppold, Stefan/Schröer, Carsten (Hg.): Handbuch Messe-,Kongress- und Eventmanagement, 2., aktual. u. erw. Aufl., Duncker&Humblot: Berlin 2021, S. 407–414.

    Rück, Hans (2021 c): Werden Hybrid-Events das »New Normal«? Kontroverser Kommentar von Prof. Dr. Hans Rück. Event Partner, online unter, Abruf 17. November 2021.

    Wutzler, Juliane / Eßwein, Markus / Mayer, Jörg / Beller, Annette / Gemmer, Dieter / Hornung, Karlheinz / Schnell, Stefan (2021): Transformation - Managing Change from the Perspective of Next-Generation CFOs, REthinking: Finance, 3(5), S.60-67.


    Fichert, Frank / Peter Forsyth / Hans-Martin Niemeier (Hrsg.) (2020): Aviation and Climate Change. Economics Perspectives on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies, Abingdon / New York: Routledge.

    Fichert, Frank / Starita, Stefano / Strauss, Arne K. / Fei, Xin / Jovanović, Radosav / Ivanov, Nikola / Pavlović, Goran (2020): Air Traffic Control Capacity Planning Under Demand and Capacity Provision Uncertainty, in: Transportation Science, Vol. 54, No. 4, S. 882–896.

    Fichert, Frank / Forsyth, Peter / Niemeier, Hans-Martin (2020): Air transport and the challenge of climate change – How aviation climate change policies work, in: Fichert, Frank / Forsyth, Peter / Niemeier, Hans-Martin (Hrsg.): Aviation and Climate Change. Economics Perspectives on Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies, Abingdon / New York: Routledge, S. 47–78.

    Fichert, Frank / Kirschnerová, Ivana / Tomová, Anna (2020): Business models in business aviation – An empirical analysis with a focus on Air Charter Companies, in: Research in Transportation Economics, Vol. 79.

    Grosche, Tobias / Klophaus, Richard (2020): Market concentration in German air transport before and after the Air Berlin bankruptcy. In: Transport Policy, 94. Jg., 2020, S. 78-88.

    Grosche, Tobias / Klophaus, Richard (2020): Consumer surplus analysis of selected long-haul air transport routes connecting Germany with California and China (gemeinsam mit Tobias Grosche), in: Research in Transportation Economics, 80,100793.

    Wutzler, Juliane (2020): The SEC’s Revolving Door: Insights from Boards of Directors, Accounting and the Public Interest, 20(1), S.138-171.

    Wutzler, Juliane (2020): Die vier Pfeiler effizienter Controlling Prozesse, Controlling & Management Review, 65(2), S. 62-67.


    Conrady, Roland / Fichert, Frank / Rüdiger Sterzenbach (2019):  Luftverkehr. Ein betriebswirtschaftliches Lehr- und Handbuch, 6. Auflage, München: DeGruyter Oldenbourg.

    Fichert, Frank / Pavlović, Goran(2019), Effects of fragmentation on route charges, in: Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 20, No., 4, S. 290-304.

    Fichert, Frank / Standfuss, Thomas /Schultz, Michael / Stratis, Petros (2019), Efficiency losses through fragmentation? Scale effects in European ANS provision, in: Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 20, No., 4, S. 275-289.

    Fichert, Frank / Efthymiou, Marina / Lantzsch, Olaf (2019), Workload Perception of Air Traffic Control Officers and Pilots During Continuous Descent Operations Approach Procedures, in: Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, Vol. 9, S. 2–11.

    Fichert, Frank / Klophaus, Richard (2019), From Low-cost Carriers to Network Carriers without Legacy? Evolving Airline Business Models in Europe, in: Cullinane, Kevin (Hrsg.), Airline Economics in Europe, Bingley: Emerald, S. 57-75.

    Fichert, Frank (2019), The Airline-Airport Relationship: Allocating Risks and Opportunities in a vertical Partnership, in: Graham, Anne / Dobruszkes, Frédéric (Hrsg.), Air Transport: A Tourism Perspective, Amsterdam u.a.O., S. 191–199.

    Fichert, Frank / Ivanov, Nikola / Jovanović, Radosav / Strauss, Arne / Starita, Stefano / Babić, Obrad / Pavlović, Goran (2019), Coordinated capacity and demand management in a redesigned Air Traffic Management value-chain, in: Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 75, S. 139–152. doi:10.1016/j.jairtraman.2018.12.007

    Klophaus, Richard (2019): Conceptualizing Mesh Networks for Building Connections as Cost-Efficient Network Topology for Low-Cost Carriers, in: Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (Eds.): Proceedings of 24th HKSTS International Conference, Hongkong, S. 3-10.

    Rück, Hans (2019 a): Wie misst man Veranstaltungserfolg? Das Was, Woran, Wie und Wann des Event-Controllings. In: Certified Das Kundenzertifikat GmbH & Co. KG (Hrsg.): Certified Directory, Ausgabe 3/2019, Bad Sobernheim, S. 55–60.

    Rück, Hans (2019 b): SoLoMo – die faszinierenden Chancen und verdeckten Risiken der Digitalisierung von Events. Vortrag, gehalten auf der Messe „Locations Rhein-Neckar“ in Mannheim am 9. Februar 2019.

    Rück, Hans (2019 c): Wertschöpfungsanalysen für Events und Locations: Umwegrentabilität richtig berechnen! Events – Das Management-Magazin für Live-Kommunikation, Nr. 2/2019, S. 40–44.

    Rück, Hans (2019 d): Der Hybrid-Hype-Cycle: Die realistische Sicht auf Digitalisierung setzt ich durch. Events – Das Management-Magazin für Live-Kommunikation, Nr. 3/2019, S. 30–32.

    Rück, Hans / Franke, Nicola (2019 e): Nachhaltigkeit … in der Praxis häufig nur ein Lippenbekenntnis! Kriterien für die Auswahl von Locations. Events – Das Management-Magazin für Live-Kommunikation, Nr. 3/2019, S. 38 f.

    Rück, Hans (2019 f): Erfolgskontrolle bei Messen – wie erkläre ich‘s meinem Controller? Vortrag, gehalten vor dem „Netzwerk Messen und Events“ der IHK Rhein-Neckar in Mannheim am 16. Oktober 2019.

    Rück, Hans (2019 g): Event-Controlling: nützliche Tools für die Erfolgskontrolle Ihrer Veranstaltungen. Workshop, gehalten auf der Messe „Locations Rhein-Main“ in Mainz am 5. November 2019.

    Rück, Hans (2019 h): Eventmanagement. Studienbrief, Modul 4 GBM Grundlagen des Büromanagements, HFH Hamburger Fern-Hochschule, 2. Aufl., Hamburg 2019.

    Klophaus, Richard (2018): Codesharing network vulnerability of global airline alliances (gemeinsam mit Oriol Lordan), in: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 111 Jg., S. 3-14.

  • Research Projects

    1. CADENZA (Advanced Capacity and Demand Management for European Network Performance Optimization)

    CADENZA deals with optimization possibilities in European air traffic control through an appropriate combination of capacity and demand management. In a first step, several concepts are developed in which the respective decision-making authority is assigned to the central or decentralized level to varying degrees. With the help of extensive simulation calculations, the effects on central target variables are determined, whereby different disturbances, such as weather influences, are also modeled. Specifically, it can be shown, among other things, that greater centralization of capacity-relevant decisions in conjunction with innovative forms of demand management can significantly reduce the extent of delays and at the same time reduce CO2 emissions.

    Partners: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering (coordinator), WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Eurocontrol

    Duration: June 2020 - November 2022.   

    Research Program/Third Party Funding: EU Horizon 2020, SESAR 2020 Exploratory Research


    Contact: Prof. Dr. Frank Fichert, Thi Thuy An Vo

    2. NetShAir - Simulation and Analysis of Operational Decisions of Airlines in the Context of an Aircraft Sharing Concept

    The research project quantifies the potential emission reduction volume of a network-based sharing concept. Here, the traditional aircraft ownership and operation relationships across airlines and leasing companies are broken down, thus giving different providers access to a shared fleet. This aircraft sharing concept enables new approaches to aircraft utilization as well as aircraft deployment plans that go beyond today's codeshare and wet lease arrangements or joint ventures. For a profound understanding of the potential and the framework conditions, requirements for aircraft and their operation as well as legal framework conditions have to be considered holistically.

    Partners: Bauhaus Luftfahrt (coordinator), Technische Universität Braunschweig

    Duration: April 2022 - March 2025

    Research program/third-party funding: Aviation Research Program - German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection

    Contact: Prof. Dr. Tobias Grosche, Prof. Dr. Frank Fichert