Semester dates

You can find a list of updated semester dates here

German versions:

Terminplan für das Wintersemester 2024/2025

Terminplan für das Sommersemester 2024

English versions:

Schedule for Winter Semester 2024/2025

Schedule for Summer Semester 2024

Semester fee for re-registration

To re-register for the new semester, please remit the semester fee of 317,10 Euros between

15th January and 15th March within a year for the re-registration to a summer term

15th July and 15th September within a year for the re-registration to a winter term

to our Postbank Ludwigshafen account, stating your Student ID number (enrolment number) in the payment reference.

The semester fee must be received no later than 15th March for re-registering to a summer term resp. no later than 15th September for re-registering to a winter term to our Postbank Ludwigshafen account. Otherwise, you will have to pay an additional fee of 25,00 Euros.

In order for you to re-register on time, the money must be received in the university's account by the above-mentioned deadline. Therefore, please arrange for the payment in time before the deadline.
Please note that it can take up to 5 working days until the money is credited to your account.


Bank Account (use only for the purpose of enrollment/registration!)

Recipient: Landeshochschulkasse Mainz

IBAN: DE39 5451 0067 0010 1766 79
Bank: Postbank NL Ludwigshafen
Amount: 317,10 €
Payment reference: 6681 1567 38921 Stud. Fee
2nd reference line: your six digets enrollment number (starts with a 6 - - - - -)
Please try to avoid number twister otherwise payment can not be assigned to your account


  •  Do not enter the matriculation number as a customer reference, as this does not allow for automatic allocation!
  •  Do not transfer the money by instant or urgent bank transfer, as this will take longer than a regular bank transfer.

Students are not re-enrolled and do not apply for a leave of absence should de-register by the end of current semester.

The submission of the thesis as well as a possible oral defense (colloquium) constitutes an examination performance for which you must be enrolled in the current semester.