Welcome to the website of the Student Affairs Department!
Our team of Student Office and Examination Office assist you during your course of studies and can answer your questions concerning the organisation of your course of studies - from application to de-registration.
The transition from school to University comes with a lot of challenges. Being successful during your studies requires a certain amount of organisation!
On the following sites we have arranged a lot of information as well as details for contact persons for helping you orientating at UAS Worms.
Please take a look around and do not hesitate to contact us.
Your team of Student Office and Examination Office
(De-)Registration for/from Exams
On this website you will find information for registering and deregistering from exams as well as deadlines that apply
Inability to sit an exam
What to do in case of illness and how to hand in medical certificates

Notarizing university documents
Graduates can authenticate the diploma or certificate obtained from Worms University of Applied Sciences at the examination office for a fee as well as order duplicates
Final theses
Information for registering and submitting your final thesis will be provided here
Examination Certificates
Did you complete your studies at UAS Worms? Then you will find information about issuing your examination certificate here.
You need a certain certifiation? Please find further information on this website