Alumni-Club Worms e.V.The Alumni-Club Worms e.V. is an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional information, contact and career network for all graduates.Department CouncilThe departmental council decides on the fundamental issues of research and teaching at the department.FaStLThe expert committee for studies and teaching advises the study programs in particular on matters of study structure and study reform.Examination BoardThe Examination Board is responsible for organizing examinations and making decisions on examination matters.Student CouncilThe Student Council consists of students from the department and forms the contact point between the student body and the teaching/organization.Advisory BoardDer Beirat besteht aus namhaften Persönlichkeiten der Touristik und des Verkehrswesens. Er berät in grundlegenden Fragen der Weiterentwicklung des Fachbereichs.IBTS e.V.The Institute of Business Travel Studies (IBTS) e. V. is intended to promote research and teaching in business travel management and to serve as a transfer point between universities and companies.CCAMThe Competence Center Aviation Management, as a scientific institution of the department, conducts applied research and teaching in the field of aviation management.IZEdThe research group "IZEd" is an interdisciplinary scientific institution for the promotion of applied interdisciplinary research and teaching.