Counseling in special life situations

Studying is often a special step for students with many new opportunities, but also great challenges: Orientation in a new living environment, organization of lectures in presence or online, of learning phases as well as part-time job, family and free time.

This is all the more difficult when external circumstances mean that contact with fellow students, friends and family is partially or completely lost. Personal exchange is missing, one feels left alone.

If you feel addressed and need help, you will find various support and counseling services below, which you can use free of charge.

Please do not hesitate to seek support, we will be happy to help you.

If you do not know which office to contact with your request or if there are no English-language services available, please contact the Central Student Advisory Office at 06241/ 509 276 or by email at

On-site counseling and support services

Family Service

The University of Worms promotes the compatibility of study/work and family with suitable offers and measures.


Denominational communities

The student chaplains of the Catholic university community and the Lutheran community are contact persons for questions of faith and life. The social counseling is especially directed at our foreign students.


Counseling services of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz

Social Counseling

The social counseling of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz offers orientation and clarification assistance for all personal and social questions and concerns. The individual support is confidential, professional, free of charge and appreciative.


Psychosocial Counseling

The psychosocial counseling center is an institution of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz at the University of Applied Sciences Worms. Students of the university can discuss study problems and also difficulties from all personal areas of life here.


Financial consultancy

The Student Financial Counseling Service of the Studierendenwerk offers competent counseling on loans, grants and support loans, as well as a comprehensive overview of scholarships, social benefits and other benefits.


Comprehensive counseling services

Social Psychiatric Service

At the Social Psychiatric Service of the Alzey-Worms district, social workers and doctors help you with mental problems and offer various support services.


Nightline Heidelberg

The Nightline is a listening and information telephone from students for students. It offers information about studying and a sympathetic ear for all kinds of concerns. Anyone can call and talk anonymously and confidentially about worries, problems and fears.


Telefon Seelsorge

The TelefonSeelsorge offers an open ear for all concerns, anonymously, free of charge, appreciative and around the clock on 0800 1110111 or 0800 1110222.


Depression information hotline

In addition to the Info-Telephone, the Stiftung Deutsche Depressions Hilfe offers a page with various addresses for help with depression.

Info phone 0800 3344533

Mon, Tues, Thurs: 13:00 - 17:00

Wed, Fri: 08:30 - 12:30 hrs

Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey

The Rheinhessen-Fachklinik Alzey is a treatment center for psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychosomatics and neurology and is the center of a community psychiatric care network. The service area includes the city of Worms and the districts of Alzey-Worms, Mainz-Bingen and Bad Kreuznach.