Financial Support

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In addition to parental allowance and child benefit, there are other support options for families and single parents.

Below we have put together some interesting links for you.

  • Help for Pregnant Women in Emergency Situations

    The Federal Foundation “Mother and Child - Protection of Unborn Life” has been helping pregnant women in emergency situations since 1984. They receive supplementary financial aid in an unbureaucratic way to make it easier for them to decide in favor of the child's life and to continue the pregnancy.

  • Basic Child Support

    You can find important information about the new basic child insurance here.

  • Child Maintenance Payments

    You can find information about child maintenance payments here.

  • Financial Support for Students

    The Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz offers financial aid for students. Here you can find the possibilities and information. General information on studying with a child can be found here.

    Another possibility to receive financial support is the Rhineland-Palatinate Scholarship Foundation. This enables Worms University of Applied Sciences to promote and support its students. Here are the details.

    Pregnant students and students with children can receive a childcare allowance under BAföG. Here you can find further information on the childcare allowance and on extending the grant.

  • Free Lunch for Children of Students

    The “MensaKids” program of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz enables children of students to have lunch for free in the canteen. Children up to the age of ten eat free of charge when accompanied by a student parent. You can find more information here.

  • Confessional Counseling for Students