
Veröffentlichungen in Zeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Verfahren 

  • Bruno, P., Melnyk, V., & Murray, K. B. (2022). The temperature dimension of emotions. European Journal of Marketing, 56(8), 2172-2215.
  • Ohlwein, M. & Bruno, P. (2021). A brand like a friend. How brand likeability influences brand perception. International Journal of Market Research, 64(3), 295-305.
  • Klein, K., Völckner, F., Bruno, H. A., Sattler, H., & Bruno, P. (2019). Brand positioning based on brand image-country image fit. Marketing Science, 38(3), 516-538.
  • Bruno, P., Melnyk, V., & Völckner, F. (2017). Temperature and emotions: Effects of physical temperature on responses to emotional advertising. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), 302-321.
  • Bruno, P., Melnyk, V., & Völckner, F. (2012). Cooling down or heating up with emotions: How temperature affects customer response to emotional advertising appeals. Advances in Consumer Research, 40, 651-652


Veröffentlichungen in Conference Proceedings mit Peer-Review-Verfahren 

  • Ohlwein, M., Bruno, P. (2025). Blurred lines – does construal play a role in brand transgressions with ambiguous brand responsibility? Proceedings of the 2025 AMS World Marketing Congress (AMS WMC), Lyon, Frankreich.  
  • Bruno, P. & Ohlwein, M. (2024). But I see your true colors shining through – CSR as moderator of the impact of rainbow washing. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Bukarest, Rumänien.
  • Ohlwein, M., Bruno, P. (2024). Playing with fire – how personalized pricing triggers perceived price unfairness. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Bukarest, Rumänien.
  • Ohlwein, M., Bruno, P., Häuser, J. (2023). The best has no reason to imitate – The effect of packaging imitation by established brands. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Odense, Dänemark.
  • Bruno, P. & Ohlwein, M. (2022). I am one of the good ones, forgive me! The impact of CSR on brand forgiveness. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Ungarn.
  • Ohlwein, M., Bruno, P., Favorite, J., Lauer, S., & Rauch, L.-M. (2021). Wearing rose-colored glasses – can brand likeability enhance perceived price fairness and product quality?, Proceedings of the 50th Online Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spanien.
  • Klein, K. & Bruno P. (2021). Blurring gender lines: Assessing the effect of androgynous models in advertising, Proceedings of the 50th Online Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Madrid, Spanien.
  • Bruno, P., Melnyk, V., & Völckner, F. (2012). When a warm ad leaves you cold - the moderating role of temperature on the effectiveness of warmth in advertising, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Lissabon, Portugal.
  • Bruno, P., Melnyk, V., & Völckner, F. (2012). The influence of temperature on consumer‘s reaction to emotional appeals, AP - Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Volume 10, Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference, Queenstown, Neuseeland.
  • Bruno, P., Klein, K., Völckner, F., & Sattler, H. (2011). Survival of the fittest - the impact of image-based brand-country fit on global branding, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Ljubljana, Slowenien.
  • Bruno, P., Klein, K., Völckner, F., & Sattler, H. (2010). The impact of image-based brand-country fit on global branding. Proceedings of the Global Brand Management Conference, Istanbul, Türkei.


Veröffentlichungen in Praxis-Zeitschriften

  • Bruno, P. & Ohlwein, M. (2024). Wenn starke Marken das Designduell suchen. Markenartikel: Das Magazin für Markenführung, 9, 54-57.
  • Kristal, K. & Bruno, P. (2022). Gesehen werden, um zu hören – Wie Marken Visibilität im Voice-Marketing erreichen können. transfer - Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement. 02/2022, 46-50.
  • Bruno, P. (2020). Nachhaltigkeit im Luxus ist kein Luxus mehr. Markenartikel: Das Magazin für Markenführung, 1-2, 12-14.
  • Bruno, P., Völckner, F., & Melnyk, V. (2013). Mehr heiße Werbung für coole Menschen. KOMPAKT (Marketing-Club Köln/Bonn), 2, 35.


Präsentationen auf internationalen Konferenzen

  • Bruno, P. & Ohlwein, M. (2024). But I see your true colors shining through – CSR as moderator of the impact of rainbow washing. 53rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Bukarest, Rumänien.
  • Bruno, P. & Ohlwein, M. (2022). I am one of the good ones, forgive me! The impact of CSR on brand forgiveness. 51st Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Budapest, Ungarn.
  • Bruno, P., Melnyk, V., & Völckner, F. (2012). When a warm ad leaves you cold - the moderating role of temperature on the effectiveness of warmth in advertising. 41st Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Lissabon, Portugal.
  • Bruno, P., Melnyk, V., & Völckner, F. (2012). Cooling down or heating up with emotions: How temperature affects customer response to emotional advertising appeals. Association for Consumer Research Conference, Vancouver, Kanada.
  • Bruno, P., Klein, K., Völckner, F., & Sattler, H. (2011). Survival of the fittest - the impact of image-based brand-country fit on global branding. 40th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Ljubljana, Slowenien.
  • Bruno, P., Klein, K., Völckner, F., & Sattler, H. (2010). The impact of image-based brand-country fit on global branding. Global Brand Management Conference, Istanbul, Türkei.



  • Bruno, P. (2014). Essays on international brand positioning and brand communication. Universität zu Köln.