People in need of care are those who require help and support for at least six months due to illness or disability. Depending on the level of care, the long-term care insurance fund provides different levels of support. Both the need for care and the degree of care are applied for from the care insurance fund.
Unfortunately, care is difficult to plan and often increasingly burdensome for relatives. It places a high psychological and physical burden on carers, especially those who are working or studying. We have compiled a list of the first important contact points and advice services for you here:
- On the website of the Federal Ministry of Health you will find important information on the subject of long-term care, including the PDF guide “Ratgeber Pflege”, and you can also call the citizens' hotline for information on long-term care insurance.
- The benefits offered by statutory long-term care insurance can be found here.
- The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth's information page “Wege zur Pflege” offers various advice services as well as information on the free care hotline and the Care Charter.
- The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has also set up a service portal on the subject of “Zuhause im Alter”, which offers a wealth of useful information on the subject of “living longer at home”.
- Caregiving relatives and families can also find free and anonymous psychological online advice here.
- Specific information on dementia can be found on the pages of the Wegweiser Demenz, in the Dementia Guide and at the German Alzheimer Society e.V.
- Further important advice services and the City of Worms' specialist office for senior citizens and inclusion can be found here.
- The Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Affairs offers the possibility of an interest-free loan.
Caregiving students can also find special information here. The Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) has also compiled important information for nursing students. You can find the PDF here.
Healthcare Proxy & Care Directive
Legally effective action is only possible with a health care proxy. Making provisions for emergency situations is important in order to avoid legal guardianship. The care association at Diakonisches Werk Worms-Alzey e.V. offers free advice on health care proxies, care and living wills.
The city of Worms has published a precautionary folder as a PDF, which should help you to have all important documents and personal instructions at hand in case of an emergency. You can download the PDF here.
Support groups
Return to Work
Are you thinking about returning to work? Employees of Hochschule Worms also have the opportunity to work partially mobile. Please consult the intranet (section Sachgebiet 1: Personal und Organisation) to find out about the options, where you will find the service agreement on mobile working. If you have any questions, please contact the Human Resources Department (SG 1).
If you would like to access university services from home, you will find further information on the pages of the Computer Center and the Library.