Leon Jacob | HR Transformation und Projekte| Medbase Gruppe

"User experience & human centric HR" | Teil der Ringvorlesungsreihe Personalmanagement

Wann? Dienstag, 24.10.2023 | 13:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Wo? Raum C039

Leon Jacob has started his career in management consulting, working with companies from startups to large corporations on their HR systems. In 2021 he joined the Health Care industry, as Head of Talent & Leadership Development of Zur Rose Group, where he created development opportunities for the employees of Europe’s largest e-Health company. At Zur Rose Group and now at MedbaseGroup, part of Switzerland‘s largest employer, Migros, Leon follows a product and experience-oriented approach that aims to provide employees with a positive employee experience. He uses methods from Design Thinking and Applied Improvisation, which ultimately lead to better results for the company.

Vortragssprache: englisch

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