Beat Calabretti | Vice President HR / Global HR & Talent Leader | Siemens healthineers

"Learner Centric Ecosystem: Democratizing Learning @ Scale" (Use case Siemens Healthineers) | Teil der Ringvorlesungsreihe Personalmanagement

Wann? Dienstag, 26. April 2022, 13:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Wo? Raum A125 | Redner virtuell zugeschaltet

New challenges and rising expectations of employees and leaders require a different learning ecosystem. Almost half of the global workforce is now «mobile»​. The modern learner expects personalization and engagement within 5-10 seconds. ​80% of workforce learning happens during interactions with peers and leaders. The modern learner is self-motivated and curious, with the shelf life of skills only 3-5 years and shrinking. During the session you will learn how modern technology has the power to change the way we learn and is helping to open our minds and enable a new culture of learning. Learn how 66’000 people company is learning passionately.

Vortragssprache: englisch 

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