Aktuelle Veranstaltungen


Dr. Hannes Klingenberg | Head of Executive Reward | TUI Group

"Compensation and Incentive Design" | Teil der Ringvorlesungsreihe Personalmanagement

Wann? Dienstag, 10. Mai 2022, 13:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Wo? Raum A125

Remuneration in wage labour seems to many to be normal and of course necessary. Somehow the bread has to be earned. On closer look, however, it becomes visible that the design of compensation packages is very complex and involves facets of different disciplines such as HR, finance, legal and also strategy. Hannes Klingenberg gives a brief insight into what a compensation specialist does all day long and how incentive design can contribute to individual incentive management and corporate strategy. 

Vortragssprache: englisch 

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