Technical Committees for Study and Teaching

Computer Science

Specialized committees for study and teaching advise the faculty bodies, in particular, on matters of study structure and study reform, on the preparation of study plans and examination regulations, on securing the range of courses and the organization of teaching, on questions of quality assurance and on subject-specific study advice.


For the Applied Computer Science and Mobile Computing Courses

Composition according to the resolution of the faculty council of  April 4, 2018 and April 16, 2020:

University lecturers:

Prof. Dr. Zdravko Bozakov (Chairman)
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Heinemann
Prof. Dr. Volker Schwarzer


Daniel Bub
Felix Nesbigall


Amal-Manal Hadj-Chaib
Edonisa Mahmuti
Julian Collet

For Business Computing Courses

Composition according to the resolution of the faculty council of December 9, 2020:

University professors:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Frank
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norman Riegel
Prof. Dr. Carlo Simon


Anne Herrmann


Lisa Kolleth
Johannes Thoma
Tim Wrobel
Cecilie Jensen (Substitute Member)