Course contents

Aviation Management (MBA)

Tourism/Travel Management

Despite its specialization in aviation management, the Aviation Management (MBA) program is designed as a general management course, as required by the European MBA Guidelines. The overall orientation of the program is based on the combination of general and special business administration subjects with a particular focus on aviation management and is complemented by the teaching of current management methods and communication techniques.

The program lasts 4 semesters (2 years) and starts annually in the summer semester. It is aimed in particular at professionals in the aviation industry and related fields and can therefore be completed while working. In each of the first three semesters, eleven days of attendance (including three Saturdays) are scheduled at Worms University of Applied Sciences, and e-learning modules and online classes must be completed. The master's thesis is written in the fourth semester.

The course content is divided into the following subject groups:

  • Special business administration of aviation management
  • General business administration
  • Soft Skills
  • Complementary sciences

The program does not differentiate between compulsory and elective subjects. The following module overview shows the distribution of the study contents over the duration of the program:

Die schematische Darstellung zeigt die Inhalte und mögliche zeitliche Abfolge der Module im Weiterbildungsstudiengang Aviation Management (MBA).

The modular structure of the study program ensures that the individual subjects and study achievements are optimally coordinated in terms of content as well as time. Upon passing the modules through an examination following the underlying lectures, a certain number of credit points (CP) will be awarded in each case. You will need 90 CP to successfully complete the program. Details can be found in the curriculum and module handbook.