Global air traffic has been showing high growth rates for many years, but at the same time is repeatedly impacted by disruptions and crises. In addition, increasing competitive pressure, new business models and aspects of sustainability are presenting the industry with new fundamental challenges. Specialists and managers are therefore required to make well-founded and trend-setting decisions in this complex and volatile environment and to assume responsibility. The necessary technical and methodological knowledge is provided by the German-language continuing education program »Aviation Management (MBA)«.
The aim is to develop business management skills, to teach social, organizational and communication skills, and to deepen and broaden scientific knowledge in the field of aviation management. Graduates are qualified to take on responsibility and management-related tasks and are offered a wide range of career opportunities in the aviation industry and related fields.
This fee-based General Management study programme with a focus on the aviation industry has a standard two year (4 semesters) duration of study and is held primarily in German language. The postgraduate course »Aviation Management (MBA)« is designed for studying while working. The study program contains of eleven days of attendence at Worms UAS accompanied by e-learning modules and online classes. For further information please see Course contents or the Download section for Curriculum and Module manual.
Good reasons for the MBA program »Aviation Management«:
Starting point for your further career
An MBA program is an investment in your professional career and personal development. You will deepen competencies and gain new ones, fundamentally increasing your chances for promotion and career opportunities.
First-class academic education
Worms University of Applied Sciences is leading in academic education in the field of "Aviation Management" in German-speaking countries. With its various degree programs, the largest number of subject-related professors and a large number of cooperation partners from practice and science, Worms University of Applied Sciences sets standards in terms of quantity and quality.
Strong practical orientation
We are committed to close and multi-layered networking with the real-life practice of aviation management. Challenges from your professional life are taken up in the course of study and methods of action are examined and further developed. The master's thesis can be written in cooperation with your company, offering direct added value for you and your employer.
Small group concept for an ideal supervision ratio
We believe in the concept of small groups. This ensures an ideal supervision ratio for an optimal course of study - and students can learn better from each other and build and expand their network within the industry.
Generalist study concept
We pursue a generalist study concept, i.e. students learn about the entire aviation value chain. By learning about the interrelationships of the aviation industry, students develop an interdisciplinary understanding of the overall aviation system.
Diverse competencies for your future
The curriculum not only combines in-depth business studies with aviation management, but also teaches social, methodological and IT skills. In addition, current trends in the industry and in management are covered. Graduates are therefore ideally prepared for future challenges in their working lives.
Studying while working? - No problem!
It is very easy to combine your studies with your professional and private life. The modular structure, online phases as well as block events in presence allow for long-term planning and efficient implementation without serious restrictions for the previous living environment.