The Bachelor's study programme is characterized by a gradual transition from general to specific knowledge:
- The basic subjects of General Business Administration (e.g. Marketing, Cost Accounting, Accounting) and the complementary sciences (e.g. Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Travel Law) dominate at the beginning of your studies.
- Foreign language and intercultural curricula accompany the core business administration study programme.
- Special Business Administration of Tourism and Transport Management, which builds on the basic curricula, is only taught in higher semesters.
- Seminar-like forms of instruction starting in the 7th semester lets students apply their acquired methodological skills and critically examine these.
The Bachelor's programme is modular and is comprised of content and chronologically-coordinated individual subjects that forms a self-contained, testable study unit with credits. Each module is usually completed by a module exam. By passing all module exams, the course of study is successfully completed.
The individual subjects and modules are allocated credit points (CP). These are credit points which are obtained at the university by passing the relevant examinations. These are designed to ensure that the academic achievements of students at European universities are comparable.
The modules are comprised of compulsory subjects and electives. Compulsory subjects are subjects which require that all students take an exam. Electives are alternatively offered in subject catalogs, from which students must choose exam subjects to a prescribed extent. You can find the modules and the corresponding individual subjects, the subject status (compulsory or elective) and the number of semester hours per week in the Download area.

The Bachelor's programme involves 240 credit points (CP) comprised of:
- 105 CP for compulsory subjects
- 35 CP for electives (without the internship, without the thesis)
- 60 CP for study abroad
These are the possible electives in detail:
- Among the foreign languages, English is compulsory. Students must also take a second foreign language course, either French or Spanish. Prior knowledge of these foreign languages is required. The selected second foreign language must be retained throughout the entire Bachelor's programme.
- Seventh semester Special Business Administration students choose two of the six offered areas of specialization. You can choose from
- Tour Operator and Travel Agency Management
- Transport Carrier Management
- Destination Management
- Hotel Management
- Business Travel Management
- Event Management
- Additional options are offered by the so-called "elective area"; here students can choose three courses from the following fields:
- General Business Administration
- Special Business Administration
- Foreign languages
- Complementary sciences
The range of courses offered is duly announced at the beginning of each semester.