Applied Computer Science – dual (B.Sc.)

Computer Science

Qualification Focus on Visual Computing

Visual Computing (previously: Media Computer Science) focuses on those parts of computer science and its environment that are in direct contact with users, i.e. people. Human-computer interaction, human-to-human communication with the help of computers, and the design and presentation of digital video and audio content play a central role here.

Due to the importance of both the computer and the human being in this area, visual computing deals on the one hand with the details of the technical implementation, i.e. it deals with methods and tools for the conception, design, production, storage and distribution of digital media. On the other hand, it looks at the goals, requirements and effects of digital media for people, the environment and society.

In the corresponding qualification focus of the "Applied Computer Science" course at Hochschule Worms, visual computing is mainly taught through courses in the following areas:

  • Audiovisual Production
  • Image Processing
  • Computer Graphics
  • Media Design
  • Programming of Graphical User Interfaces
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • 3D-Modeling



Detailed information on the individual courses can be found in the module handbook (PDF) for the "Applied Computer Science" course. Here are some very brief explanations:


  • Audiovisual Production: Design of audio-visual media (video productions) and the application of the necessary techniques
  • Image Processing: Automatic analysis and processing of 2D images (raster graphics)
  • Computer Graphics: How are 3D geometries and images processed, generated and displayed realistically in computers.
  • Media Design: Basics of perception and design, conception and methodology of the design process, particularly with regard to hypermedia and human-machine interaction
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality: Techniques / technologies for, interaction with and perception of virtual environments and their applications
LaboratoriesContact Person
  • UX-Lab (N242, Prof. König & Prof. Schall)
  • Media computer science laboratory (N144, Prof. Wiebel & Prof. König)



The professors active in teaching media computer science also conduct research in areas that belong to media computer science. In this way, current research and project results can always be incorporated into the courses. These activities are bundled in the User Experience & Visualization research group. Further sample projects from the area of ​​usability can be found on the pages of Prof. König and for scientific visualization on the research page of Prof. Wiebel.


Career Prospects, Job Profiles & Opportunities

In the following, we give a selection of areas in which graduates with a focus on visual computing typically work or types of positions they typically hold. This list is by no means exhaustive.

Employer / Work Areas

  • Automotive industry (conception and use of visual methods in the development and analysis of vehicles)
  • Image processing in medium-sized industry (automatic recognition and object identification as well as quality assurance)
  • Games industry (game development)
  • New media (design and programming of interactive, immersive or mobile applications)
  • Consulting company
  • Application-oriented research
  • Conception and implementation of interactive websites
  • Development and expansion of multimedia databases, including for Internet shopping
  • Implementation of computer graphics and animations with standard software, but also with special hardware and software for the film industry
  • Tasks in audio and video studios
  • Developments in the field of data transmission technology in industry and research, e.g. B. Computer operations in medicine, image transmission
  • Broadcasters and publishers

Example Positions

  • UX Expert
  • Interaction Designer
  • Application Programmer Frontend