Dear students of Worms University,
from September 1st the semester ticket upgrade will take effect. The semester ticket will now become the Germany semester ticket.

What does that mean for you?
We'll  (Asta) give you the most important information here and are pleased that we have come up with this convenient solution.

+ The Germany semester ticket increases your mobility. Relying more on the train is also a contribution to sustainability, an aspect that is becoming increasingly important.

+ With the Germany semester ticket you can be mobile even without a car. To a lecture, to a concert, from the cinema to home or on tour at the weekend - just get in and drive off without having to pay extra for each trip.
And if you have a car: leave it at home more often and save yourself the hassle of looking for a parking space :)

  • In general

    Unlike the previous semester ticket, the student ID card is no longer valid as a ticket, but a digital ticket is required and the ID card as a document for verification during a ticket inspection.

    From September 1st, students at Worms University of Applied Sciences must register online in the NETINERA tickets app in order to receive the digital ticket via smartphone. Here is the link, including brief instructions on how to download the app and register using university login details:
    (IMPORTANT: A purchase is only possible from September 1st, 2024 for the coming WS 24/25!)

    In addition, students at Worms University of Applied Sciences will receive a detailed guide on how to purchase the Germany-wide semester ticket in time for the start of the new winter semester 24/25 via a circular email from the university/AStA.

  • How long is the Germany Semester Ticket valid?

    The validity period covers the entire duration of a semester for students at Worms University of Applied Sciences. The Germany Semester Ticket also remains valid during the lecture-free period/semester break.

    The validity of the Germany Semester Ticket ends automatically at the end of the semester.

    At the beginning of each semester, students at Worms University of Applied Sciences must then purchase a new Germany Semester Ticket via the NETERINA Tickets app.

    The ticket is valid for all local public transport throughout Germany (2nd class), i.e. all buses, local trains, S-Bahn and U-Bahn trains and trams. The ticket is not valid on long-distance trains such as Intercity or ICEs.

  • How much is the fee?

    All enrolled students at Worms universities contribute to the financing of the Germany semester ticket with a fee per semester (Enrollment or Reenrollment), which is charged in addition to the social contribution.

    The Germany semester ticket is therefore already included in the price when you enroll/re-register.

    The price of the Germany semester ticket is €176.40 for six months, or €29.40 per month, which is 40 percent cheaper than the regular price.

  • What do I do if I don't have a cell phone with me or the battery is empty?

    Then you don't have a valid ticket and risk paying more because only the proof in the app is valid. The student ID card is no valid as a ticket.

  • Is taking a bike included?

    Unfortunately, taking a bike is not included in the Germany Semester Ticket.

  • When am I entitled to a refund of the €176.40?

    When am I entitled to a refund of the €176.40?

    A refund for the Germany semester ticket fee can be requested in the following cases:

    a) Students have a disability card, disability level of 50% or more

    b) In the case of de-registration

    c) Students are on a semester abroad

    The application for a refund of the Germany semester ticket fee must be submitted in writing or by email:

    - The application must be submitted within 2 months of the official start of the semester.

    - If the application for a refund is made after the 2-month deadline, then a refund is no longer possible in this case.

    - The application for a refund, as well as any concerns about the Germany semester ticket, should be emailed to: