Electronic Student Notification Procedure (SMV)

According to 199a SGB V, there is a mutual reporting obligation regarding health insurance between health insurance companies and universities.

The health insurance companies report to the university the

  • Insurance status (M10)
  • Start of insurance in the event of a change of health insurance company (M11)
  • Delay in payment of health insurance contributions (M12)
  • Settlement of health insurance contributions in arrears (M13)

The university reports to the health insurance companies

  • Start of studies and date of enrollment (M20)
  • The end of the semester in which or with the effect of the end of which the de-registration takes place (M30)

In order to implement these reciprocal reporting procedures we will use the electronic student reporting procedure from 01.11.2021 - reports in paper form can then no longer be accepted

What does this mean for you?

  • Applicants

    At the latest at the time of enrollment, we require an electronic notification of your insurance status (M10) from your health insurance company.
    Please contact your health insurance company - asap.
    Your health insurance company will then send the required notification to us.

    EU nationals
    For applicants from EU countries who have a European Health Insurance Card, no additional insurance in Germany is necessary. You only need to present your European Health Insurance Card to a German statutory health insurance company of your choice to receive a confirmation ("reporting reason M10 for Worms University") about the exemption from compulsory insurance.

    Non-EU nationals

    Students whose home country is not part of the EU must register with a German health insurance company. For the trip to Germany to your place of study, a travel insurance, either from your home country or a German travel insurance, is sufficient at first. This is usually valid for 90 days. Check with the German Embassy beforehand whether this travel insurance is accepted as health insurance coverage. After your arrival in Germany, you must arrange for electronic notification from a German statutory health insurance company. Under certain circumstances, private health insurance from your home country may also be sufficient. You must clarify this with your insurance company.


    Nationals of countries that have a social security agreement with Germany (e.g. Switzerland or Turkey)
    If you have statutory health insurance in your home country, ask your insurance agent for a form certifying your health insurance coverage abroad. The forms have different names depending on the country of origin, e.g. E-111, AT 11, ATN11 or BH6. The form must be presented to a German statutory health insurance company in order for you to receive confirmation ("reporting reason M10 for Worms University") of exemption from compulsory insurance.

    Please include our transmittal number H0000986.

  • Students

    Students who are already enrolled do not have to pay attention to anything for the time being due to the changeover. The changeover will only affect you as soon as a change of health insurance takes place

  • Students who change their health insurance

    In order for the next re-registration to go smoothly, we need an electronic notification of the change of health insurance company (M11) from your new health insurance company.
    Please contact your health insurance company - the sooner the better.
    Your health insurance company will then send us the required notification.

    Please quote our dispatch number H0000986.

  • Note for persons who are privately insured

    In principle, you must contact any statutory health insurance company, which will then notify us of the existence of private insurance.

    Please inform the statutory health insurance company of our dispatch number H0000986.

    IMPORTANT: In order for you to receive such a notification (exemption) from a statutory health insurance company, the exemption must be applied for and sent to us within the first 3 months of enrolment at the latest.