Counseling on Campus

At the beginning of each semester, the Equal Opportunities Office presents itself together with other advisory services in the canteen of Hochschule Worms. At an advice stand, students, especially first-year students, are presented with important information on advice and financial support opportunities. Of course, the Worms University of Applied Sciences' wheel of fortune will also be there: Students can look forward to a gift or two!

Together with the respective employees of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz, the confessional communities ESG and KHG Worms and the Central Student Advisory Service, the individual departments will present their offers, which are also summarized here.

Life and Social Counseling in Worms and the Surrounding Area

Difficult situations can always arise in life. Below you will find some counseling centers in the region:

Advice for People with Disabilities or Serious Chronic Illnesses

You can find the representative body for severely disabled employees and students at Hochschule Worms here. Further important information on studying with a disability can be found here.

Advice and, if necessary, financial support for those affected is also offered by foundations such as  

The EUTB (Ergänzende unabhängige Teilhabeberatung) offers information for people seeking advice with all types of impairments, crisis experiences, impending disabilities and disabilities – also for relatives of those affected.

Debt Counseling

Worms residents can obtain free advice on financial problems and debts from the debtor and insolvency advice service.

Financial Support in Emergencies

The “Familie in Not” foundation can help in particularly precarious situations. The foundation offers quick and unbureaucratic financial help, especially to single parents, young families and large families in need. You can find more information here.