Internationales Logistikmanagement (B.A.)


Business Management

  • Content and structure

    1 ǀ Semester 1-4: Instruction in the fundamentals of business administration and logistics

    The first four semesters primarily teach basic skills within the core modules Business Administration and Logistics, as well as communication and supplementary modules backed by an initial transfer module.

    The Business Administration core modules are subject-related contents which involve modular courses (that build upon each other) and/or supplementary courses and which strengthen the business administration and foreign trade expertise and even establish a logistics reference.

    The Logistics core modules teach students the essential fundamentals of logistics management and ensure a phase-oriented understanding of logistics. The logistical methodological skills and knowledge base will be systematically expanded over the first four semesters.

    These include logistically oriented subjects such as:

    • Principles and Fundamentals of Logistics
    • Fundamentals of Process and Change Management
    • QM Fundamentals and IT-based SCM
    • Supply Chain Planning and Optimization

    The business administration foundation is backed by communication subjects (Business English). Additional supplementary modules (mathematics, statistics, etc.) and a first transfer module round off the range of subjects offered.


    2 ǀ Semester 5:    Practical semester abroad (whenever possible - ILM dual)

    This is achieved over 20 weeks as a professional qualification in the cooperating company (ILM dual). Whenever possible, the practical semester - in coordination with the cooperating company - is completed abroad. Apart from the periods of practical training in the semester break, students should broaden their basic knowledge of economics as well as their personal and professional horizon during the practical semester.

    In the case of the non-dual ILM model, the internship will take place at a company abroad. The objective  is to apply the basic knowledge of management as well as foreign language competencies in practice for the first time and to implement them professionally.


    3 | Semester 6/7: Specialization and bachelor thesis (semester abroad possible)

    In the sixth and seventh semester, the focus is intended to deepen and differentiate the logistics knowledge conveyed in first years of study according to the interests and affinities of the students in specialization modules. From a broad range of compulsory elective modules offered in the field of logistics, the student must choose three of the respective modules offered and can thereby specialize him/herself in his/her desired direction (for example, with a clear industry focus).

    As a complement to the Logistics elective modules, an additional module must be chosen from the business-oriented compulsory elective modules available.

    The specialization modules, without exception, all have an international focus and, thanks to their small group sizes, are taught in a very practice-oriented manner. Project work, workshops or excursions to internationally operating companies increasingly take place in these modules.

    Parallel to this, the Bachelor's thesis is written in the last semester.

    In addition to the mandatory internship abroad, students have the opportunity to study one or two semesters at one of the many partner universities available to them in more than 40 different countries. In case of good academic planning, the credits earned there are recognized in the International Logistics Management (ILM) degree program, whereby any extension to the duration of studies is ruled out. Because of the academic planning depicted here, the ILM program lets you integrate two semesters abroad within the standard seven semester enrollment period. ILM graduates thereby experience an ideal career preparation with hands-on specialized and language training.


    Maximum flexibility

    The Bachelor's program ILM  is structured so that every student can adapt their studies according to their wishes:

    • 6 or 7 semesters (the standard period of study is shortened to 6 semesters without practical semester)
    • classic or cooperative
    • Flexibility to change from classic to cooperative
  • Application and admission

    Student Services

    Building M, Room 05
    T: +49(0)6241.509-180
    F: +49(0)6241.509-281

  • Information cooperative studies

    The Bachelor's degree program International Logistics Management can also be completed as cooperative studies (International Logistics Management – cooperative (B.A.)). Further information on the cooperative study program and additional information on the application process for prospective students and companies can be found at: