
Information about the practical phase in the Bachelor's study programme

Tourism/Travel Management

The curriculum requires a compulsory practical phase in the 4th semester. The internship is intended to enable students to apply the qualification acquired during their studies by working on suitable projects or taking on responsibilities in a company, a chamber or association and to deepen these as a complement to their scientific training. An internship position should give the student challenging commercial tasks with an identifiable reference to their studies. The internship should preferably be completed in a company from the tourism or travel management sector, but apprenticeships in companies from other sectors with a commercial orientation can also be approved as a mandatory internship after prior agreement with the department.    

Die schematische Darstellung zeigt die zeitliche Abfolge der einzelnen Schritte für das Absolvieren eines Praktikums im Studiengang International Tourism Management (M.A.).

Finding an internship

Students are required to find a suitable internship themselves. They can use the department's own job portal to do so. Moreover, the field reports of other students who have already completed a practical phase are available in the Moodle course "practical phase".


The practical phase must be approved by the Department of Tourism beforehand. The internship contract and possibly a job description must be submitted to Ms. Verholen. Reference to the course of study is already made from this job description and the decision to approve or reject it will be decided thereupon. It is strongly recommended to have the contract signed only after approval by the department.


After approval, students in the Moodle course practice phase must register themselves in the appropriate database depending on which semester the internship mainly takes place. It is important that the official name of the company incl. its legal form is recorded.


The guidelines that apply for studies beginning from WS 2015/16 (PO 2016) provide for an internship period of 20 weeks full-time.The admissions requirement is to have earned at least 60 ECTS credits.


After completing the internship, the following documents must be submitted to the Department of Tourism/Travel Management:
1. Confirmation of completion or an employer's reference
2. Qualified report about the internship (you can find exact information about its structure, content and form in the Guidelines for the internship report in Moodle course practice phase)
3. Summary report (to be uploaded in the Moodle course practice phase)
4. Survey about the practical phase.

The deadline for the submission of the documents is two weeks after the end of the internship.